Sunday, July 17, 2011

it meltz my heart, i hope it does to yours.....

so let's have one last kiss
one last touch 
one last tender moment between us
one last dance to our first song

huh i don't like changes

i do not like changes. i absolutely despise changes but then changes happen every minute, every day and i have no choice but to let it happen.
a friend asked me one day, 'Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? This is not the Hannah i know...' 
and i didn't know how to answer her. i just gave her a small smile and looked away. but deep down inside i knew why. i knew why i was quiet i knew why i had changed. i couldn't face the fact and i had lived in denial ever since. i really don't know what to do now. i am still me. but in school i'm really a different person. i don't know how to express the real me and therefore i hide it. 

just let it go

fact of the day: i cannot find one single happy song in my iTunes. really!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

solodolo yo

The girl that is …
  • Perfect for you
  • She has flaws but you look past it
  • She has issues but you know you can work on it
  • She has goals and you want to help her reach them
  • She has regrets but you don’t mind them
  • She has that smile that seems to turn your frown right upside down
  • She has the eyes that make you do a double-take, a triple-take, a … you get the picture
  • She’s the girl that you have nothing to say to but want to say everything to…
doesn't this just melt your heart? i know it did to mine.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

it's a game. and we play it again and again....

she says 'yes'
i say 'no'
she says 'hi' 
i say 'bye'
she says 'of course'
i say 'definitely not'
she says 'hate'
i say 'love'

spot the diff *wink*

introducing......Shaun Evaristo

the awesome choreographer for Big Bang

Friday, April 15, 2011

Quoting the solodolo

"Treat her like she’s your one and only, because theres about 20 billion other guys that can do it for her."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

whatever she said is whatever i think

ohhh your ears were hearing the truth.... 
but you don't believe itt....
ohhh your eyes were seeing....
but you just don't look hard enough....

sometimes, you just have to take the risk even if you are afraid...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Unknown World

She looked into a window to look through yet another window.
On the other side of the latter window she saw a figure that startled her so much so that tears began creeping down her face. Her heart cried out but no sound was heard from her mouth. Suddenly, she felt a  light tap on her shoulders. As she turned around, the images of her dream began to fade into nothingness. Once again, she had awoken to a meaningless day for she had lost her baby son.

Friday, April 8, 2011

So...... Hannah! What are we having for tonight??

in other words, i'm home alone again..... but i'm liking ittt.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

for the first time

when i'm talking to flowers then you'll know i'm crazy. 
don't get me wrong here... crazy meaning a good kind of crazy 

forever like forever....

hey mind.....
i'm in the dark here. can ya tell me what you're thinking about??

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


i'm absolutely sure that every girl is bound to do this-stalking guys. not just ANY guy, but hot guys. cute hot guys. and therefore this post is a confession and is also a fact-confactsion. 

tutti frutti and camwhoring

hey youuuu......
who stays in the state north of KL. heheh i just wanna thank you for all the fun time i had with you. ohh and thanks for being my chauffeur for the whole day. i really enjoyed myself. =)
love yaaa... and take care. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

interior designer in making??

Last week, I had a really odd and mind blowing dream. I dreamt of 'my' house. I dreamt that a part of the inside of my house is a maze. Blocks of wood were used to make up the maze. When I say inside, I mean in the living room. That's right-a maze right in the living room. 
A few nights ago, the same thing happened to me. Only this time, it was an even more bizarre dream. I dreamt that the ceilings of my house were cushions. And that there was a kitchen in my bedroom! 

So here you go Abby... the post that you wanted to see on my blog =)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A simple yet perplex question

If a dancer dances.......
And an artist draws.......

Then what would I do??

Every now and then, this question pops out in my head. I would then go through all the things that I can do. One by one, I will try to imagine myself doing the talent as a grownup. And when I cannot imagine it, I will shake the thoughts out of my mind. It is still very vague to me; what I would do for a living. But I try not to worry because I know that God has a plan for me. As the fog will thin out, so will the plan come clear to me. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

you.... i shall name you confusion

Dear Confusion, 
The reason why i give you this name is because you have caused me to be so confused.
Your mind changes as quickly as the lightning strikes. There is not even enough time for me to process what is going on. One day, you talk to me like we're the best of friends and the next day you're ignoring me like we're complete strangers. What Bold said is true-your mood swing goes up and down like the waves going up the shore and going back to sea. Well I guess that's why you're my clodpoll.

Monday, January 24, 2011

you make me fuzzy wuzzy jelly welly in my stomach

i'm reliving the old days...
i will always remember you, i hope you'll do the same for me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

you're my clodpoll, i'm your nudnik

hmmm.....i think the three similarities that we have is as much as it can get. 
you know, i'm a person who believes in galimatious stuff easily so please don't make me your liripoop. i've been in enough garboil and i think yes, my eyes have finally seen the light. 

every word you said drops down to the ground like petals from a flower. but i would like to thank you, for providing the sugar for my coffee.  

Monday, January 17, 2011

In love with minimalist designs.

cheers =)

the first word after two months.....

After two months of sheer hush hush, you say your first word: sorry.
Hahah i find it really ironic and funny. But it's a good start, even though it's only one word. 
Here's my respond to your sorry: "It's okay. Really it is. And you don't have to be afraid of anything." 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

il est venu à moi immédiatement

She's traveling to somewhere far away. Her look tells it all; she is born in a rich family. It's spring time and the flowers are in bloom. The fresh smell of flowers and pine trees attract her to take a stroll in the park. She captivates the eyes of strangers as she walks. As she looks back behind her, a camera snaps. It caught her at the perfect moment, just when the wind was blowing through her hair and at the right angle-capturing her serene face beautifully. 

pouvons nous commençons plus d'encore

oh c'est vous

Friday, January 7, 2011

spin me!!!

i did a fairly dumb thing today.... heheh
it involves: thinking of questions and spinning the wacky wheel. 
to think of all the answers i got to my questions is kind of comical. 
hmmmmm but you can't really trust this sort of things. ^^

we make a funny couple

hahhahahaaa. until now i still laugh at it. it's really hilarious-the way we have the same opinion about each other.
sheryl finds it funny too. heehee =) 

fleurs pour moi

Monday, January 3, 2011

walking on shattered glass

I will admit, it is not easy. The fire has died off but the ashes are still warm. This puts me in a very awkward situation. I'm not the type that can recover quickly after a sudden attack of flu. I try very hard, but it's just not in my nature to do it. From time to time i revisit the old times. I really can't help it. However hard i try, it doesn't work. But it is true, the fire has died off. As my mommy says: " Give it some time and it'll heal." I hope it won't take too long. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

to steph

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH!!!! happy new year to you too!! =D
cheers to fucksie hotsie and the solo dolo!! may we someday find a guy as perfect as them ;D

Happy 2011

i just wanna greet all you peeps out there a very happy new year!!
for me, last year was a very fulfiling one-a year full of surprises; ups and downs.
thank you guys for making my year an awesome one!!! xxxxxx