Sunday, July 17, 2011

it meltz my heart, i hope it does to yours.....

so let's have one last kiss
one last touch 
one last tender moment between us
one last dance to our first song

huh i don't like changes

i do not like changes. i absolutely despise changes but then changes happen every minute, every day and i have no choice but to let it happen.
a friend asked me one day, 'Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? This is not the Hannah i know...' 
and i didn't know how to answer her. i just gave her a small smile and looked away. but deep down inside i knew why. i knew why i was quiet i knew why i had changed. i couldn't face the fact and i had lived in denial ever since. i really don't know what to do now. i am still me. but in school i'm really a different person. i don't know how to express the real me and therefore i hide it. 

just let it go

fact of the day: i cannot find one single happy song in my iTunes. really!