Thursday, December 30, 2010

here are some things that you don't know about me.

firstly, i am attracted to guys who wear specs. for unknown reasons i find them more appealing than they already are when they wear specs.
secondly, i love love LOVE cheese. from brie to camembert-you name it, i'll love it.
thirdly, i love camwhoring with my cuzzies.
lastly, having midnight snacks is my daily routine.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


i honestly didn't expect something like that to happen to me. i have always thought that when people think of doing it, they are so immature. but it turns out that i'm also immature. it is a phase that every individual will go through. without steph and mich's help i don't think i would have been able to pull through; it was mentally agonizing. you guys literally saved my soul and i can't make it for the birthday party. i feel really bad. but thanks guys for last night. 

in the corner of your eyes

it's kind of creepy when you get the feeling that someone is looking at you. it makes you self-conscious. 
i hate that feeling-it makes you wanna stare right back at the person.

he gives her the original stare. it creeps you out at first but then later you find it intriguing.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


so the things that has been happening to me:
hanging out in singapore with my cuzzies. 
my sister and i-laughing our asses off.
modeling for davina's "the girl with the red umbrella" album compilation(i LOOK forward to it!!!)
getting my head straight on THINGS *emphasizes things again*

actually there's a lot going on in my head. but i shall express the thoughts through pictures ;)
figure them out yourself.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

midnight snacks ;D

i am so hungry right now!!! i'm not going to be an easy wife-to-be in the future. lol ;D

the deepest and darkest secrets

I never thought that such a thing could happen. I didn't want to believe that such a thing could happen. why am I so naive? Of course. The world is growing, has been growing for God knows how long and these things have probably existed before I was even born. 

To all my "girl friends" out there: Stay strong no matter what. Do not let the worldly thinking corrupt your little minds. If it has already done some damage, I beg you to think through all these. Is it really worth it? After all the pain that you've gone through-are you going to let that little ounce of pain get into your head and influence your mind?! NO!! You have to stand strong and firm. You have to prove to the guys that you are capable of not giving in to their stupidity and egoistic-being. 

To all guys out there: When will you guys ever grow up and stop being douche bags?? If there were such a thing as classes for guys to understand girls better; i would highly recommend you guys to sign up for the class IMMEDIATELY. It would be totally worth  you guys' money and will help you improve in your relationship with girls. Wouldn't that be what all of you guys would want? Or does it hurt your ego too much just to understand your girlfriend better? If that is the case then i suggest that you stop dating girls and go out with people whom your ego will not be hurt. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

It hurts.....

                                              her eyes are red and puffy; she has been crying.
                                              even though she tries to conceal the fact, 
                                              wondering faces still stare back at her.
                                              she walks past them without looking up; 
                                              hiding her drowning eyes.             
                                              she thinks to herself-it hurts terribly,
                                              but i have to go on no matter what. 
                                              this sorrow will vanish soon enough with time.

                                                        WILL YOU HOLD MY HAND?             

Thursday, December 2, 2010

imma missing youuuuuuuu

daddyyyyyy, when are you bringing me to korea again???


So Steph and I were on the phone last night talking about headbands. 
Then she started pointing out all the negative things about headbands. 
It's soooooo pretty but it might not fit your head, it hurts after you 
wear it for a looooooong time, certain headbands suit certain people only etc. 
My point here is, I bought this headband because Dot asked me to give it a chance. 
You know, to see if it suits me and fits my head perfectly. So yeah, why not give it a  
chance I thought. And I gave it a chance, but now I'm starting to regret. Wearing this 
headband makes me look pretty and I was happy wearing it until it started hurting my 
head and giving me headaches. Now I know, this headband doesn't fit my head 
perfectly and I have nothing to worry about because out in the world, there are many 
more headbands that I can try out. 

Dot, the headband doesn't fit me. It hurts very much. But it's alright, we can get a new one some other time. :)
Thanks Steph, for opening my eyes to see that my headband really sucks.